Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wrecking my puny brain,

Credits to: DaveOvenden

Oh my... MBC in 2 days.

Just finished my 2nd round of drawing metabolisms. Still not confident. Slightly confident, but gosh. Probably will fail if I go in like that. Tmr shall buck up.

Interesting to know that at this point of time, I may be only 20% ready for exam, but tmr, at this hour, I would be 80% ready. That's just how much 24 hours can do. Not really 24 hours, at least not for me. Probably only around 6 hours. And interesting to think that I am unable to absorb anymore info at this time, but tmr, it'll be in my head no matter what. This is what stress can do to people. I truely believe that we're only utilizing <10% of our brain. Not that I believe that utilizing 100% would give me any super powers or mind reading techniques. Just that, when I try to use my left hand to write, I feel more tired and the information is harder to get in. This proves that my right brain is not as developed as my left, so when my left hand writes, my right brain needs more time/energy to comprehend and process. But if it's able to comprehend/process, I would be using probably 15% of my brain. :D which means, I can remember more things. Just a simple theory from a 15 minutes test. No wonder people say music makes people smarter(though I don't 100% agree with that, probably just able to grasps concepts faster because concepts(at first) are usually not logical since the right brain is more of the not logical part) cause we need to use both hands and probably both legs to do different things at the same time. To play hands together is tough. To press the pedal at the right time when playing is another challenge. To sing and play is crazy. A long rant on some unproved theory.

MBC is really a challenge. I would say, comparable to CCTA/DBG last sem.

I'm doing more notes than last sem. Maybe cause I've got more time to prepare. And I procrastinate lesser now(: But I really can't imagine myself sitting in the dorm room/room trying to mug my heads out of my university lecture notes. I figured that the way I'm studying now is probably the least efficient technique, considering that I take 2 hours to complete one chapter. I should come up with something better.

Hais... Can't wait for exams to be over and start working cause I don't have to mug every night ): I forsee myself washing test tube and preparing solutions most of the time. ): Maybe they'll ask me to grind brains. Who knows?

Oh well. I should get some rest already.

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