Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If you're happy and you know it,

Credits to: MarteBluth


I had a adrenaline rush for around 1 min yesterday. Quite random, but anyway, it was rather scary. Idk why I would suddenly had adrenaline rush because nothing exciting was happening. But my heart pumped extra hard and fast, and I could really hear things clearly and more sensitively to the point that when my mum spoke outside my room it gave me a shock. Ok, maybe the description is quite vague. You gotta experience it yourself to know!


No school today! :D how great:D

And it's the end of November. So fast! It's gonna be December, then 25days to christmas! (: Favourite event of the year for most people:D Tomorrow it's December already. It's quite sad that the poly holidays don't coincide with all these. So it doesn't feel very holiday-ish, and that sucks. ): Gotta mug for my CTs during the holiday season. I still remember how I look forward to the year end during the secondary school days because I get to slack all day for 2 months. Wish I can go back to the secondary school days. Everything was just there. Just follow instructions and nothing can go wrong.

But oh well, I guess responsibility comes with age. Though I hate to think that it is that way. Because an adult can also make mistakes. Sometimes I really wonder if the adults really think that they are always right. Come on, be realistic. The younger generation can be right sometimes too. Hate it when parents scream or objects about something for their kids when it doesn't make any sense just because it seems right to them. If you've gone through 20 years more, does that make you more righteous? I doubt so.

Okok, not an angry post. Shall not end November with a bad note.

I'm hungry again. Gosh. Will be searching for food soon. Have a good Tuesday(:

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